Wednesday talks.

Wednesday talks.

A conversation series with Sherry about life and creativity.

Just like in sewing, where we sometimes need to unstitch parts of a project that don't fit, life requires us to let go of patterns, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve us. In this discussion series with Sherry, you will examine the fabric of your life, unstitch what no longer serves you, and create space for the things you like and make you happy. By viewing life through a creative and sewing lens, you empower yourself to become the designer of your own happiness.

Join us for our first discussion on Wednesday 26th from 5 to 7.
Designing a Life You Love – Part 1: Unraveling What No Longer Serves You

I’m Sherry Ellingson Life Coach and Yoga Teacher.
I’ve had my business since 2011 working with mostly women to enhance
and help them design a life they love.
I work with all areas of life because we are whole people :)